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超大杯鴨屎香手打檸檬茶 XL Yashi Flavour Oolong Lemon Tea
$54.00荔枝檸檬茶 Lychee Lemon Tea
$44.00超大杯荔枝檸檬茶 XL Lychee Lemon Tea
$58.00超大杯葡萄鴨屎香檸檬茶 XL Grape Yashi Flavour Oolong Lemon Tea
$58.00葡萄鴨屎香檸檬茶 Grape Yashi Flavour Oolong Lemon Tea
$44.00超大杯茉莉手打檬茶 XL Jasmine Lemon Tea
$54.00超大杯招牌話梅茉莉檸檬茶 XL Signature Preserved Plum Jasmine Lemon Tea
檸季·梅煩惱 Plum Series
只有凍飲 | Iced drink only
招牌話梅茉莉檸檬茶 Signature Preserved Plum Jasmine Lemon Tea
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霸氣大杯 Super Size
只有凍飲 | Iced drink only
超大杯鴨屎香手打檸檬茶 XL Yashi Flavour Oolong Lemon Tea
$54.00超大杯荔枝檸檬茶 XL Lychee Lemon Tea
$58.00超大杯葡萄鴨屎香檸檬茶 XL Grape Yashi Flavour Oolong Lemon Tea
$58.00超大杯招牌話梅茉莉檸檬茶 XL Signature Preserved Plum Jasmine Lemon Tea
$58.00超大杯茉莉手打檬茶 XL Jasmine Lemon Tea
$54.00超大杯桃桃玫瑰檸檬茶 XL Peach and Rose Flavour Lemon Tea
檸季手打檸檬茶 Classic Lemon Tea
鴨屎香手打檸檬茶 Yashi Flavour Oolong Lemon Tea
Top 1$36.00茉莉手打檸檬茶 Jasmine Lemon Tea
Top 5$39.00
水果檸檬茶 Fruity Lemon Tea
荔枝檸檬茶 Lychee Lemon Tea
新品,只有凍飲 | New, iced drink only.$44.00葡萄鴨屎香檸檬茶 Grape Yashi Flavour Oolong Lemon Tea
新品,只有凍飲 | New, iced drink only.$44.00桃桃玫瑰檸檬茶 Peach and Rose Flavour Lemon Tea
原味純萃 Pure Tea
鴨屎香現搖純茶 Yashi Flavour Oolong Tea
$32.00茉莉現搖純茶 Jasmine Tea